Sunday, February 13, 2011

Diet is a four letter word.

Exercise is progressing. Maybe buying a treadmill. I didn't get to the gym as much as I'd like last week, but did circuit training that left my hamstrings crying :)
As with last time I lost weight, diet is my biggest hurdle. I have trouble ridding myself of old habits and I definitely stress eat! I am fighting gluttony, right now it's winning :)
Today is valentines day, trying to avoid chocolate, we'll see how we do (including my hubby in this one.)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Spin class. In Deutsch.

Tuesday evening I went to a spin class at my gym. I knew it would not be in English, nor did I expect them to accommodate me in anyway, but it definitely made me realize to what extent my German needs work. :) It was an hour long class, but I jumped in head first. I was proud I only turned my resistance lower than the average twice and I kept up. I went back to gym wednesday and did a 1/2 hour on the stair master and 1/2 on an elliptical. I took today off. My legs are thanking me. Tomorrow we (me and my legs) are back at it.

My amazing, gorgeous, awesome hubby has an idea, and I think it is a good one. He wants to lose a little weight (a fraction of my long term goal but still hard) so he proposes that we some how make a milestone contest i.e. first one to lose 5 % of total goal weight will get $30 off iTunes, etc. We have to figure out how to sync up our goals because I want to lose MUCH more than him but we want to support each other. :) I am grateful he understands my short comings (and sadly struggles as well), but many guys would not. I appreciate him for understanding, and never saying anything negative. He is an optimist (compared to me anyway).